Thursday, August 15, 2013

Know This

I have a lot to say. I always have. I talk all day, every day...a lot. When I explain something I probably babble on longer than the listener really wants me to. When I tell a story, its pretty detailed and when I'm on a soap box or mad, man, then you better just be ready to listen. And truth is, I don't have a lot of important things to say. I mean, when I was working, I sometimes had interesting things to say and here at home, I keep my husband updated on whats going on, but for the most part, the majority of what I want to say is pointless and full of useless facts and information from that day.

The problem with all this random information that I collect throughout the day is that there isn't enough time to get it all out when my husband comes home. Note that my husband is not only my husband, but also my best friend. So he really is the one who can appreciate all my randomness at its fullest. I had to find something or someway to get all my bits of information out in a way that I could get it to him and cut down on how much I was jabbering. So, I created Know This.

Know This is an email that I would create every morning for my husband. Side note: I used to work 4-10's which meant I worked 4 days a week for 10 hours. I had every Friday off, but it meant I worked from 7am-6pm. I am not a morning person, so I would get to work around 7, not schedule anyone to come in until 8 and spend that hour trying to wake up and reading the things I found interesting. END side note. My Know This would consist of the following:

my husband and I's word of the day from We would read the word and then write a sentence to each other using it.

My gossip news that I felt was noteworthy. (I love my gossip. I love knowing which celebrity is dating who and who is having a baby with who and so forth. My husband, not so much. BUT every now and again he does find it interesting if its given to him in short updates. He's not going to go seek it out himself.)

The news I found interesting. I am a criminal justice major, so I am drawn to the news about criminals. I like knowing who killed who, who was found innocent and I love the crazy crime stories ("Man steals 1,000 twinkies"). I won't lie, I followed the Casey Anthony story all the way through. Along with the news, I like to give my own opinion about it...because I find myself funny and witty.

Lastly, it would consist of anything else that I thought of that morning or that was going to be going on that day at my office.

I did this every Mon-Thurs morning for like 2-3 years. My husband would comment back every now and again and if he was really interested in something, he would wait until dinner that night and ask me about it.

This was an awesome way for me to get to tell him the things that I found interesting. It helped him get to know me fully and it helped cut down the amount of time I talked at night so we had time to do other things like watch our tv shows, play a game or watch a movie. Once I quit to become a stay at home mom and housewife, I ran out of time. It seemed that between getting my husband out the door, getting a baby fed, dressed and fed again and again, playing and so forth that I didn't have the time to sit and read my gossip and news. If you know me at all or have read my blogs previously, I clean or do something for me during nap time (its the only way to stay sane!) I admit that I am totally disconnected from the real world. I do not watch the news, I do not keep up with whats happening and I rarely have time to read gossip. Personally, I feel like watching the news every day is depressing. But, my kids are older now and I am not nearly as tired these days, so starting a Know This 2.0 is about to begin. After I recorded and watched all my shark shows, I was bursting with all this great, random facts about sharks, so I wrote my husband a Know This: Shark edition. Side note: I often had special editions of Know This, such as Know This: The Oscar winners and Know This: Buffy the Vampire edition (yes, I wrote an entire Know This to my husband about the random facts and backstage trivia about Buffy). END side note.

The point is, sometimes us girls have a lot to say. And lets face it, guys REALLY hear about 50% of what we say if its not super important or relevant to anything they are remotely interested in. And sometimes we like knowing the latest on fashion, movies, celebrities or whatever and we want to share that with our best friend. If you're like me and your best friend is your husband, then finding ways to get it all out in a brief synopsis that still conveys your message can be hard. Face it, we need to say what we want to say quickly and in a short amount of time before they start thinking about something else and we lose them. My husband and I thrive on random information. We're the 2 in a crowd that when every one has had a couple of drinks and every one is talking, break out the "did you know that...". This is what works for us. And my husband actually said yesterday that he missed Know This. So Know This 2.0 is about to resurface stay at home mom style and include new categories such as: What your children did yesterday (Your 2 1/2 yr old climbed in his sisters jumper and got stuck), New phrases your son has learned to say ("its boken" meaning its broken), New things your daughter has learned to do (spit her food out for fun and then put it back in her mouth), Misty's random thoughts while entertaining the kids (I wonder how they get this ball popper to work), and Oops's of the day (be sure to supervise your son when you tell him he can taste the chocolate sauce. His whole hand ended up in the bowl) as well as my news and gossip of the day. This is what a great and long lasting marriage is all about...randomness and fun!

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