I know it has been forever since I last blogged. Keeping two children, 20 months apart, fed, healthy and going keeps me busy. Overall, it has been super rewarding though. My daughter is now 6 months old! Yeah for her. She is growing so fast and I am so proud of her. She is giggling, rolling over, eating well and growing like a weed. My son, is just as rambunctious as ever. He is talking more and more and his jibber, jabber is becoming more and more understandable. My husband is working hard and still spending time with us which is so precious.
I have started a new adventure and am loving it! I started selling Mary Kay. I am in love with the products! The skin care is amazing and I feel like, even though I am aging, my skin is not. That makes me happy. I am totally on board and embracing being 28 and am looking forward to my 30's, but I want my skin to stay as young and vibrant as I can allow it. :) If you are interested in checking out the amazing products that I love so much and are interested in buying anything, you can always check out my website! I am happy to help answer any questions!! www.marykay.com/mray62795 is your one stop shop! The best part about it, is busy moms don't have to leave their home. We ship right to you and its fast and easy! It makes my life on the go so much easier to know that I can order my makeup, thats high quality, without even leaving home! Seriously, try it! Its worth it!
Life here is amazing. I have the kids napping at the same time, which helps a bunch! I started that right off the bat. She naps for about an hour in the mornings and then they both go down around 1:30 or 2 and are asleep for at least a couple hours. I have them going to bed at the same time too. So even, if they tag team me on naps some days...since my 2 year old isn't always in a napping mood...I still get mommy time once they head off to bed around 7-7:30. I am hoping to get back on track with my blogging! I will endeavor to do better. Until then, I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring and I look forward to blogging more!