Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First Day of school

I can't believe that it is finally school time again! We have had a wonderful summer full of lots of activities, fun times and laughs. But I am ready for some alone time again and school came just in time. I remember a few years ago when my son was starting Mothers Day Out, and now he is in Kindergarten!

As usual, X was so excited to start school, and I was sad, terrified, nervous and every other emotion you can think of. He was brave, independent and didn't look back once getting to his classroom. I wanted to hang on, cry and decide to start homeschooling! (Don't worry, I'm really not going to do that. Today.)

He survived his first day with no tears and was excited to go back. It was definitely a new thing not having him around all day. By the fifth day, I didn't know what to do with myself. I have never been away from him for that many days for school before. We are loving his teacher and all the new things that have come with a new school and a big boy grade! He now gets out of the car at drop off by himself! What?! I don't walk him in anymore. (pause for some tears). Actually, by this week which is the second week of school, I'm like "see ya buddy! Mommy's got things to do!" HA. J/K! (but no, kind of for real).

O on the other hand, started 3 year old preschool. She is only going 2 days a week and I am so happy to have her alone for 3 days of the week. We haven't had that in over a year and even then, she was too young to cherish it. She calls these days "sister days". I'm not sure why. I keep reminding her that its mommy daughter days, but she insists on calling our time sister time. She started a new school as well and has enjoyed it thus far! 

It took a good week to get into the swing of things. Both kids have different drop off times, different pick up times, different lunches and a few other changes. I finally quit feeling so scattered with who needs what, when, and how many. We are settled into a nice routine and I am enjoying my days off working out, getting things done around the house and having random lunches with my husband! I am looking forward to an exciting year of being room mom for Xander's class, joining and working with the PTA, and volunteering at both schools! Its a new year, with new opportunities and I could not be more excited about them. Until next time...