We decided this year to stay up late and watch fireworks for the first time. Our kids loved it!! O was exhausted afterwards because that was the latest I think she has ever stayed up, but she was so excited that she got to see her first fireworks.
We grabbed Bahama Bucks on the way! America + Bahama Bucks = true love!
We had a great spot!
This is what happens when you try to get a good picture of these two together!
All in all we had a great day. We are so blessed to live in a country that is free. There is a lot of heartache and tragedy in America these days, but I hope that this day we all remembered that we are free, loved and blessed to be a part of this country. More peace, more love, more unity. Lets give our kids a wonderful place to grow up in thats full of tolerance, compassion and filled with generations to come that are always respectful and kind! Be thankful this year for the ones around you. Happy Independence Day, America and friends! Until next time.